Saturday, December 21, 2013

Key To Happiness

I saw this quote today and realized how profound it is and how it relates to my life 100%.  

All my life I have put the key to my happiness in the pocket of someone else.  I have gone to this person for approval, for help, for praise, and for support, and all I have gotten from this person is; disapproval, jealousy, stabs to the heart, and words that have caused a lot of pain. Many wounds. 

I am now realizing this is never going to change. No matter how much I yearn for support or approval, this person will never be happy for what I accomplish or strive to accomplish. 

The more I put the key to my happiness in the pocket of someone else, the more unhappy I will become. 

I need to hold the key to my own happiness and go where my heart leads me. I need to not worry about others, and take my key to the lock that will unlock my happiness, which is my heart, because no one is going to unlock it for me. 

I can be happy! I can do hard things! I can do amazing things! and I will and am accomplishing great things! No one can tell me otherwise! 

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